About Me

Hello and welcome to my website!

I created this site as a platform to showcase the curriculum I have created in the form of a unit map, curriculum map, lesson plans, and assessment samples. I love history, I love research, and I hope to instill habits and skills in my students that will make them successful long after they have left my classroom. Now let me tell you a little about myself:

My name is Zackery Beasley and I am currently a junior at Appalachian State University pursuing a degree in History, Secondary Education. I have always had a passion for history believing that it contains some of the greatest stories ever told. History epitomizes all the things that are good and bad about humans as a species. Our triumphs, our failures, and everything in between. My favorite historical era to learn about would have to be either Renaissance Europe or the early eras of the Roman Empire. History is important to me, and my future students because of the skills that history can teach students. Ultimately the dates, the facts, and the historical figures will not be important to my students as they move into their professional careers but the skills they learn will last them a lifetime. Research, critical thinking/analysis, and synthesis are skills that have applications that go far past history. These are the types of skills I hope to instill in my future students as they grow into members of our society.